Tuesday, February 22, 2011


In honor of Radiohead releasing a new album (which by the way sounds like kieren Hebden took Radioheads entire back catalog, remixed and spliced it all into one new album. Which by the way is not a complaint, becausese Kieren is a geniuse and radioheads back catalougue is pretty rad in spots.) I present one of the raddest and most pretentiouse but sooooo rad t.v. shows ever. Its a show made by Radiohead in the early 2000's. This brings me back to fort mega when me and my brother had our own pad and we made people watch this and just cackled and drooled with delight! Its called "radiohead t.v. the most gigantic lying mouth of all time". I would have added the words "massive penis" at the end of the title if I had been involved with the show.

2004 vdeo FX revival revival. This may have been the precerser to Witch House, and Chillwave>

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